SA Jagters-lede en Fotografieklub-lede word uitgenooi om julle beste landskapfoto’s te deel op Facebook in die Fotografieklub se groep hier of per epos
Die foto-uitdaging se reëls is eenvoudig:
1) dit moet `n foto van `n landskap wees (Dit sluit plaas en landbou, sonsopkoms en sonsondergang, riviere, damme, berge, ens. in),
2) een foto per plasing/inskrywing,
3) geen beperking op die hoeveelheid plasings of inskrywings per lid nie,
4) jy moet ‘n lid van SA Jagters en/of van die SA Jagters Fotografieklub wees
5) die foto moet deur jouself wees,
6) merk die foto #landskap (sodat die admin dit maklik kan vind aan die einde van die maand),
7) inskrywings moet die volgende insluit:
*opskrif van jou foto
*waar was die foto geneem
*wanneer was die foto geneem
*kamera of slimfoonmodel
*kameraverstellings (F-stop, ISO, sluiterspoed), maar nie vir slimfone nie.
Einde van die maand kies die groep se admin die top foto’s en word dit geplaas op die Facebook-groep se blad en in ‘n gallery of die webblad.
Die wenner word bepaal deur ‘n stemproses deur lede.
Die boekprys vir die wenner van die foto-uitdaging, geborg deur SA Jagters, sal in November aangekondig word.
SA Hunters members and Photography Club members are invited to share their best landscape photos on Facebook in the Photography Club’s group here or by email
The rules of the photo challenge are simple:
1) it must be a picture of a landscape (includes farming and agriculture, sunrise and sunset, rivers, dams, mountains, etc.),
2) one photo per post/entry,
3) no restriction on the number of posts/entries per member,
4) you must be a member of SA Hunters and/or the SA Hunters Photography Club,
5) the photo must be taken by yourself, 6) tag the photo #landscape (so the admin can easily find it at the end of the month),
7) entries must include the following:
*heading for your photo
*where was it taken
*when was it taken
*camera or smartphone model
*camera settings (F-stop, ISO, shutter speed), but not for smartphones
At the end of the month, the group’s admin selects the top photos and posts them on the Facebook group’s page and in a gallery or web page. The winner is determined by a voting process by members. The book prize for the winner of the photo challenge, sponsored by SA Hunters, will be announced in November.