Kamdeboo jagters help plaaslike boere en inwoners in tyd van nood

Boere bewaar ons hulpbronne Tydens die Kamdebootak se algemene jaarvergadering in September 2019, is daar besluit om plaaslike boere te ondersteun in hul stryd teen die voortslepende droogte. Boere is die eerste linie bewaarders van ons natuurlike hulpbronne en maak ‘n wesenlike bydra tot die beskerning van natuurlewe areas met geassosieerde wildpopulasies. As mense wat […]

Hunters come to the rescue of drought-stricken community of Sutherland

A modest token of humanity and kindness by hunters in the Overberg area to assist the drought-stricken community of Sutherland, Northern Cape, escalated to a generous 480 tonnes of animal feed within weeks. To date, Sutherland’s farmers received food and other supplies to the value of R1,04 million from the hunting community. It all started […]

Market-based Wildlife Economy Certification Sche

Development and implementation of a voluntary, market-based Wildlife Economy Certification Scheme Draft Concept Note and Roadmap – 30 November 2020 1.    Introduction The Wildlife Economy is underpinned by complex and multi-faceted agro-ecological farming systems. The primary objective of the wildlife rancher is to run a profitable enterprise across a range of four broad types of […]

Hunters Provide Water to Save Game in Mafikeng Area

At the end of 2018, hunters and their families from the Kameeldoring Branch of SA Hunters and Game Conservation decided to help clean up the Mafikeng Nature Reserve. While they were picking up rubbish, they saw several carcasses of young animals in the reserve. Rusty Hustler, the conservation coordinator for the branch approached officials from […]

Gemeenskap help wildboere om stropers se strikke te vernietig

Wildstropery, oftewel onwettige jag, is een van vele uitdagings waarmee wildboere daagliks te doen kry. Hoewel die stroop van Suid-Afrika se renosterbevolking wêreldwyd opslae maak weens die geweldige impak wat dit op die voortbestaan van hierdie bedreigde spesies het, loop baie  ander wildspesies ook deur onder stropers. Wildstropery kom in baie gedaantes voor en nie […]

Snare Buster inisiatief red wildlewe

Die voorkoms van strikke in die veld het geweldig toegeneem die afgekope tyd, veral met die Covid pandemie. Verskeie takke is egter lank reeds aktief betrokke om onwettige stroping  van wild die hok te slaan. Die Vereniging se Snare Buster projek, waar ons hande vat met ander bewaringsvennote om strikke in wildlewegebiede te verwyder, is […]

Conservation in action: sweet success from humble beginnings

Conservation in action: sweet success from humble beginnings The SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association (SA Hunters) has embarked on a conservation initiative that proved to be a valuable win-win project for bees and for people. In 2020, the Pretoria-East Branch of SA Hunters decided to add the conservation of pollinators to their other conservation […]

Rhino Poaching Trends

Summary Report – North West Province Second Rhino SummitCompiled by Lizanne (E.J.) Nel – Conservation Manager SA Hunters was invited to participate in the second Rhino Summit for North West Province that was held in Pilansberg on 18-19 September 2019. It was attended by close to a 100 people from several organisations, communities and landowners […]

Report on Rhino Poaching in SA 2020

South Africa saw a marked decline in rhino poaching during 2020, with the killing of rhino declining by 33%. “While the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the battle to beat the Covid-19 pandemic contributed in part to the decrease in rhino poaching in 2020, the role of rangers and security personnel who remained at their posts, and […]

DFFE Media Statement – Rhino Poaching in South Africa in 2021

A total of 451 rhino were poached in South Africa in 2021, 327 within government reserves and 124 on private property.  While there is a 24 percent decrease in rhino poaching compared to the pre-Covid period in 2019, there has been an increase in poaching on private properties.  In 2021, 209 rhino were poached for […]