Leopard Hunting Trophies and Lion Bone Export Quota 2019

In accordance with sections 61 and 62 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004) NEMBA, the Scientific Authority is required to advise the Minister of the Department of Environmental Affairs on the 2019 quota for leopard hunting trophies in South Africa, as well as the quota for lion bone exports […]

Anthrax Outbreak Lesotho – Miltsiekte Uitbraak

Wild animal anthrax is a natural occurrence in many areas in southern Africa. Outbreaks for this year have for example been reported in Kenya, Botswana, Namibia and now in Lesotho. The latest outbreak in Lesotho is in the region of Maseru. A 10km radius has been quarantined. Animal movement between Free State and Lesotho are […]