President’s Christmas Message 2018
We are at the end of yet another year; it was quite a chaotic year. It was a year in which the Constitutional Court handed down a somewhat controversial judgement against SA Hunters; a year of court applications by various institutions against the Minister of Police and co; a year of escalating fuel prices; a […]
President se Kersboodskap 2018
So kom ons aan die einde van nog ʼn jaar; ʼn taamlike “deurmekaar jaar”. `n Jaar waarin die konstitusionele hof `n ietwat kontroversiële uitspraak teen SA Jagters gegee het, `n jaar vol hofaansoeke deur verskeie instansies teen die Minister van Polisie en kie, `n jaar waartydens brandstofpryse drasties gestyg het, `n jaar waarin die land […]