SA Hunters: Regional shooting competitions 2022
Attached the programme and other information regarding the different shooting disciplines being part of the regional shooting competitions for 2022 – Deo volente (God willing; if nothing prevents it):
1) The following regarding the Regional shooting competitions for 2022 – Deo volente (God willing; if nothing prevents it):
1.1) For the Regional shooting programme, Universal Rules, shooting exercise- and competition rules see table below
1.2) Important: Certain changes to the shooting rules come into effect on 1 January 2022 (all changes indicated I yellow highlight:
1.2.1) Changes to the President shooting competition regarding invitations to the national competition – refer to item 4.4 of the Rules for Regional and National Shooting Competitions (doc no: J006.35.06E)”:
- A total of 200 participants are invited and the vacancies created by invitations not accepted will not be filled;
- Invitations consisting of the following: Open class – Top 140; Juniors – Top 20; Ladies – Top 20 and Seniors – Top 20;
- The arrangement regarding the invitation of the Top 20 (Open class) of the previous year is cancelled – no invitations in this regard anymore
1.2.2) the following changes to the Interbranch Team shooting competition – refer to item 5.1 and 5.2 of the Rules for Regional and National Shooting Competitions (doc no: J006.35.06E)”:
- The team composition change from five shottists to four shottists per team;
- The qualifying score for the Wildehonde Award is based on the scores of four shottists;
- The Top 50 teams are invited for a total of 200 participants and vacancies created by invitations not accepted will not be filled;
1.3) The arrangements regarding Sport shooting will follow shortly.
2) Important: for enquiries regarding the shooting competitions hosted at regional level, please contact the following persons at 012 808 9300:
2.1) André van der Merwe: President-, Interbranch Team- and Team CHALLENG shooting competitions
2.2) Boetie Kirchner: Shotgun competitions
2.3) Nic Roets: Sport shooting*, MDS competitions, Junior competitions, Limited Bolt Action competitions
Note: Sport shooting* includes: handguns, semi- automatic rifles, lever action rifles, air rifles and 22 Rimfire rifles
3) The contact details of the national shooting discipline coordinators is indicated on page 1 of the Regional Shooting Programme for 2022 – these persons are experts in these disciplines and can provide assistance with enquiries
4) If COVID-19 or any other unforeseen events again disrupt the regional shooting competitions during 2022 the following arrangements will apply:
4.1) If the regional shooting competitions have to be stopped before 31 March 2022, no scores will be considered and all the regional and
national shooting competitions for 2022 will be deemed to be cancelled;
4.2) If the regional shooting competitions are stopped at any time between 1 April and 30 June 2022, the place winners per shooting discipline
will be appointed according to the regional rankings and their certificates will be loaded on their personal profile on the Member Administration (no medals will be awarded) and no national competitions will be hosted for 2022;
4.3) If participants qualify for regional colours it will be awarded for both scenario one and two above;
4.4) National colours will be awarded only if national championships are hosted.