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Covid-19 March 2020

Reelings tydens nasionale sluiting vir bekamping van COVID-19

Die kantoor van SA Jagters sluit vanaf Donderdagmiddag 26 Maart 2020. Ons het in elk geval nie regtig enige keuse hieroor nie, maar sal ons bes doen om noodsaaklike diens aan lede te bied. Enkele van die personeellede en bestuurders sal vanaf hulle huise werk.

Een van die onsekerhede waarmee ons dalk te doen gaan kry en waaraan ons baie min sal kan doen, is dat die internet waarskynlik oorlaai sal raak en baie stadig mag wees of selfs met tye glad nie sal werk nie. Die meeste maatskappye sluit hul deure vir die volgende drie weke en die meeste van hulle gaan, net soos ons, probeer om hul dienste aan die gang te hou met mense wat van hul huise af werk. Dit sal meebring dat die hoeveelheid verkeer oor die internet sal toeneem wat die stelsel sal oorlaai.

Ek versoek dus dat u net noodsaaklike versoeke en inligting sal aanstuur.

Vuurwapenlisensies en die amnestie

Die Polisie het reeds vanoggend aan ons bevestig dat hulle gedurende hierdie periode geen aansoeke vir vuurwapenlisensies sal aanvaar nie. Derhalwe raai ons lede aan om nie nou tydens die noodtoestand enige aansoeke vir vuurwapenlisensies in te dien nie.

U word so ook aangeraai om nie gedurende hierdie tyd enige wapen onder die amnestie te probeer inhandig nie. Die amnestie sal waarskynlik opgeskort word vir hierdie periode maar dit mag tyd neem om dit reg te kry.

Wat van jag?

Bykans alle reis wat nie noodsaaklik is nie gaan bloot verhoed of gestop word. Indien u moet reis na enige bestemming om te gaan jag word u aangeraai om die jaggeleentheid liewer uit te stel of te kanselleer. U gaan waarskynlik nie toegelaat word om ongehinderd te reis nie.

Hoe Gaan SA Jagters aan die gang bly?

Ons sal die noodsaaklikste navrae en kommunikasie met lede voortsit. Die lys hieronder gee die name van persone wat navrae kan hanteer volgens spesifieke onderwerpe. Soos boodskappe inkom, sal ons daaraan aandag gee. Ons kan nie enige reaksietyd waarborg nie aangesien die internetverkeer beslis `n rol kan speel.

Ons sal lede-data van die stelsel op skootrekenaars aflaai en sal kan help met noodsaaklike inligting maar sal nie veel prosessering kan doen ten opsigte van die uitreik van lidmaatskapsertifikate of endossemente nie. Ek vestig ook die aandag op die inligting hierbo oor die Polisie wat in elk geval nie nou lisensie-aansoeke kan hanteer nie. Ons bystand is beperk tot die diens wat ons van lyn af (off-line) kan doen.

Die volgende personeel sal beskikbaar wees om te help.

  1. Navrae oor lidmaatskap, ledegeld en enige ander ledenavraeDorothy Ras by dorothy@sahunt.co.za en Nicky Uys by nicky@sahunt.co.za 
  2. Navrae oor die tydskrifte SA Jagter en Magnum of ledekaartjiesMichel Schoeman by michel@sahunt.co.za 
  3. Navrae oor jagsake, varkpermitte, en jaglisensiesBoetie Kirchner by boetiek@sahunt.co.za of
  4. Aankoop van jaglisensies: slegs indien dit absoluut noodsaaklik is:Stuur asseblief `n WhatsApp aan Vanessa Bell by 072 2462 603. U sal in elk geval waarskynlik nie die jaglisensie kan gebruik tot na die noodtoestand afgelas is nie.
  5. Navrae oor opleidingNic Roets by nic@sahunt.co.za 
  6. Navrae oor TaksakeAndre van der Merwe by andrevdm@sahunt.co.za 
  7. Navrae oor toegewyde status, behoud van toegewyde jagter en sportskutstatus, ander balkies en kentekens en navrae oor lisensiehernuwingsPetrus Swart by petrus@sahunt.co.za Moet liewer nie aansoek doen vir die uitreik van endossemente in hierdie tyd nie. Ons sal dit nie kan uitreik nie en u sal dit ook nie kan gebruik nie. Sien die nota oor die Polisie hierbo.
  8. Navrae oor BewaringLizanne Nel by lizanne@sahunt.co.za 
  9. Enige ander navrae oor vuurwapenlisensies of ander sake rakende SA JagtersFred Camphor by fredc@sahunt.co.za 

Die noodtoestand duur vanaf Donderdagnag 26 Maart 2020 om 00h00 tot 16 April 2020. Sou alles normaal verloop sal die kantoor weer oop wees vir normale bedrywighede vanaf 20 April 2020. Die oomblik wanneer dit duidelik raak dat die risiko kleiner is en ander stappe geneem kan word om die situasie te verlig sal die Raad u ook gepas in kennis stel.

Dit is ook belangrik om te bevestig dat ons nie paniek saai nie maar bloot rasionele besluite neem om die risiko vir elke individu in die land so laag moontlik te hou. Ons versoek vriendelik dat elkeen van u sal hou by die reëlings soos die President dit bekendgestel het. `n Volledige kopie van sy toespraak van gisteraand asook ander relevante dokumentasie is hieronder beskikbaar.

Arrangements during national lock-down to combat COVID-19

The office of SA Hunters will close from Thursday afternoon, 26 March 2020. We have no choice in the matter, but we will try to provide essential services to members. Some staff members and managers will be working from their homes.

We expect the internet to become overloaded, to slow down and even stop working temporarily. There is little we can do about it. Most companies will close their doors for the next three weeks. Most will try to make some services available with staff working from home. This will affect the internet traffic that might overload the system.

Please send essential requests and information only.

Firearm licences and amnesty

The Police confirmed this morning that they will not accept any applications for firearm licences during this period. Therefore, we recommend that you do not attempt to apply for firearm licences during the lockdown period.

It is also not recommended to hand in any firearms under the amnesty conditions for the time being. The amnesty will probably be suspended for a while, but it might take some time to organise.

What about hunting?

All non-essential travel will be prohibited. If you must travel anywhere to hunt, we recommend that you postpone or cancel your plans. It is unlikely that you will be allowed to travel freely.

How will SA Hunters continue?

We will continue communicating with members on essential matters. The list below provides names of staff that can deal with specific matters. We will deal with queries as they occur, but cannot guarantee a response time because the internet traffic could impact on that.

We will have some member data available on our notebook computers that will provide essential information, but we will not be able to process the issuing of membership certificates and endorsements. I refer to the information above regarding SAPS that will not deal with firearm licence applications. Our support is restricted to the services we can provide while being off-line.

The following staff members will be available to assist:

  1. Queries about membership, membership fees and other member-related issues: Dorothy Ras at dorothy@sahunt.co.za or Nicky Uys at nicky@sahunt.co.za
  2. Queries about the magazines SA Hunter and Magnum or membership cards:Michel Schoeman at michel@sahunt.co.za
  3. Queries about hunting, wild pig permits and hunting licences:
  4. Boetie Kirchner at boetiek@sahunt.co.za
  5. Purchasing of hunting licences: only if absolutely necessary:Send a WhatsApp message to Vanessa Bell on 072 2462 603. You will most probably not be able to use it until the state of emergency is over.
  6. Queries about training:Nic Roets at nic@sahunt.co.za Queries about branch matters:Andre van der Merwe at andrevdm@sahunt.co.za
  7. Queries about dedicated status, maintaining hunter and sport shooter status, other badges, pins and queries about licence renewals: Petrus Swart at petrus@sahunt.co.za Please refrain from applying for endorsements. We will not be able to issue these and they will not be of any use to you at this stage. See the paragraph about the Police above.
  8. Queries on conservation:Lizanne Nel at lizanne@sahunt.co.za
  9. Any other queries about firearm licences or SA Hunters’ matters:

Fred Camphor at fredc@sahunt.co.za

The lockdown will start on 00:00 on Thursday evening, 26 March and end on 16 April 2020. Should everything return to normal, the office will open for business as usual on 20 April 2020.

It is important to note that we do not wish to create a panic situation but we are making rational decisions to reduce the risk of infection in the interest of every individual in the country. Please obey the rules announced by the President. A copy of this speech as well as other relevant information on is available below.

An Adobe Acrobat file 01 Final lockdown regulations Covid-19 20-03-2020497.58 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 02 Statement by Pres Cyril Ramaphosa on Measures to combat COVID-19137.62 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 03 Dept Gesondheid Skrywe oor Aanmelding van Coronavirus371.57 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 Coronavirus Information – James Robb11.47 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 05 COVID-19 artikel social distancing359.9 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 06 Corona Training Slides (compresed) NDOH_20200206_Version42.62 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 07 Presentation on COVID-19 to the Joint Committees 27th April 20202.13 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 08 Final OHS Covis19 Directive 28 APRIL 2020462.6 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 09 Risk Adjusted Strategy Regulations 29 April 202013.38 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 10 Lisensies tydens Covid 19 Lockdown Vlak 41.04 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 11 Level 4 – National Gazette No 43323 of 14-May-2020, Volume 6598.51 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 12 Directions for Biodiversity for Alert Level 3 5 June 20203.95 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 13 Second Busines Impact Survey Report – Covid 19 May2020752.36 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 14 Regulations, suspension of sport, arts and cultural events Covid 19 11 July 2020960.46 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file COVID19_GN_822_of_2020_Amendment_of_Directions_Combat_the_Spread_of_COVID19_relating_to_Biodiversity_Sector127.47 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Covid-19 SA Hunters proposal 25 June 20202.27 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Covid 19 Guidelines for traveling to Africa642.3 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Government Gazette 11 January 20215.69 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Government Gazette 29 December 202035.06 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Minister Approval SASSCo 28 07 2055.03 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file SAAI High Court Application 12082010.82 MB

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