SAJWV se standpunt ten opsigte van die gebruik van loodkernkoeëls en loodhael
Algemeen: Die SAJWV neem kennis van die menige studies ter bewys van die minimale effek wat loodpartikel inname het op die loodbloedvlakke van menslike verbruikers, beide as gevolg van die chemiese samestelling en gevolglike biobeskikbaarheid van lood in soliede vorm vir opname in die mens se liggaam en as gevolg van die bedryf van gesonde […]
SAHGCA’s position on the use of lead core bullets and lead shot while hunting
General: SAHGCA takes note of the multitude of studies proving the minimal contribution of lead particle intake to an increase in lead blood levels in consumers of game meat, due in part to the chemical composition of lead in solid form and it’s bioavailability to the human body, as well as sound meat processing practice, […]
SAHGCA Predator and Captive Breeding Policy
SAHGCA POLICY STANCE ON PREDATOR AND CAPTIVE BREEDING SAHGCA recognises the vital role hunters play in socio-economic development and conservation of wildlife heritage and have done so since the creation of the Association in 1949. More than 1,4 billion km2 of extensive wildlife areas and habitats in sub-Saharan Africa is conserved to ensure the sustainability […]
SAHGCA Selective Breeding Policy
POLICY POSITION: INTENSIVE AND SELECTIVE BREEDING TO ENHANCE OR ALTER GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIGENOUS GAME SPECIES FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ACKNOWLEDGING that SAHGCA has the responsibility of protecting the long-term interests of its members in terms of their ability to participate in fair-chase hunting of representative indigenous species, specifically concerning the conservation of the genetic diversity […]
SAHGCA Conservation Policy
The human oriented nature of the SAHGCA conservation charter and conservation policy confirms the fact that the association sees conservation to have a “human face”. The association, therefore, manages it’s conservation activities within that context. The two principal thrusts of SAHGCA’s conservation policy highlight the human oriented elements of conservation, namely that: conservation is the […]
Position on Rhino Horn Trade
SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association studied the progress reported in respect of the Integrated Strategic Management of Rhinoceros, as well as the proposed legislative changes by DEA with regard to rhino horn trade for personal purposes. This most certainly is a very complex matter, making it difficult to anticipate all potential outcomes of options […]