SA Jagters ‘n Kultuur van Mentorskap

“Op die ou end sal ons net bewaar waarvoor ons lief is;Ons sal net liefhê wat ons verstaan:en ons sal net verstaan ​​wat ons geleer is”Baba Dioum, Afrika Wat is Mentorskap? Wat is ons nalatenskap vir ons nageslag? Watter verskil kan ek maak? SA Jagters se suksesverhaal Voorbeelde van mentorskap


Waarom ‘n lid van SAJWV?   SAJWV, beter bekend as SA Jagters, is in 1949 gevestig. Dit maak die vereniging die oudste jag en wildbewarings vereniging in Suid Afrika, wat na die gemene belange van die natuurbewaarder, jagter, sportskut en vuurwapeneienaar  omsien.  SA Jagters is by die SAPD geakkrediteer as ‘n jag- en sport-skiet vereniging en is […]

Why become a member?

Why become a member of SAHGCA? SAHGCA, better known as SA Hunters, was established in 1949, making it the oldest hunting and conservation association in South Africa that looks after the collective interests of conservationists, hunters, sport shooters, firearm owners and game farmers. SA Hunters has been accredited with the SAPS as a hunting and […]


A loyalty system that will benefit our members The SAHGCA is proud to be associated with the MyBonus MyBucks loyalty programme. This isn’t just any loyalty programme, as it offers a unique approach which casts a new light on loyalty programmes and what it is supposed to offer you. Most of us are all too […]

Liability Insurance for SAHGCA Members

Every SAHGCA members enjoys the benefits benefits of liability insurance as part of their annual membership fee. In the document below is a short description of the cover this insurance offers and a few scenarios of incidents when the SAHGCA liability insurance will protect you. Members who want more detail can read the additional documentation that […]

Lidmaatskap Fooie

Fooie geldig vanaf Julie 2022 – Junie 2023 (Behalwe waar anders aangedui, is lidmaatskap gelde jaarliks hernubaar) Gewonelid geen tydskrif (ouderdom van 26 tot 64) R720-00  Gewonelid 1 tydskrif (ouderdom van 26 tot 64)* R980-00  Gewonelid 2 tydskrifte (ouderdom van 26 tot 64)** R1,200-00 Gewonelid geen tydskrif (ouderdom van 18 tot 25) R435-00 Gewonelid 1 […]

Membership Fees

Fees valid July 2022 – June 2023 (Unless otherwise stated, membership is renewable annually) Ordinary member no magazine (age 26 to 64) R720-00  Ordinary member 1 magazine (age 26 to 64)* R980-00 Ordinary member 2 magazines (age 26 to 64)** R1,200-00  Ordinary member no magazine (age 18 to 25) R435-00  Ordinary member 1 magazine (age 18 to 25)* […]