Opportunity to Hunt a Buffalo
SA Hunters obtained ten buffalo cows which the Association is making available to members in five hunting packages of two buffaloes each. The buffaloes are part of a herd of 190 buffaloes on a 2000 ha game farm located at the foot of the Swartberg mountains near Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape. The packages cost […]
Hunting Destinations Register
The SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association hunting destinations register is open to all as a service to the hunting community at large. Follow this link to browse destinations or to register and account for adding a destination. The compilation of this database is aimed at promoting the sharing of information and creating easier access […]
Geakkrediteerde Jagpakkette 2022
SA Jagters Geakkrediteerde Jagpakkette 2022 Daar is nog `n paar van die 42 geakkrediteerde jagpakkette oor wat teen billike pryse aan lede aangebied word. Hierdie jagpakkette word verskaf deur die Vereniging se eie lede en is onderhewig aan die SA Jagters se jagterskode. Besigtig die beskikbare jagpakkette hier. Bespreek jou SA Jagters geakkrediteerde jagavontuur. Rig […]
Hunting Licences and Permits in South Africa
Hunting licences and permits Each of the nine provinces regulates the hunting of game birds and fur game through various hunting regulations that are revised annually and published in the official provincial gazette at the beginning of the hunting season. The purpose of these regulations is to regulate the utilisation of game in the interest […]
Jaglisensies en -permitte in Suid-Afrika
Opsomming van Jagregulasies Jaglisensies en Permitte Die jag van veerwild (voëls) en haarwild (diere) word in elkeen van die nege provinsies in RSA gereguleer deur ʼn stel jagregulasies wat jaarliks hersien en voor die begin van die jagseisoen in die amptelike provinsiale koerant amptelik afgekondig behoort te word. Die oorkoepelende bedoeling met die jagregulasies is […]
Provincial Hunting Proclamations
Hunting regulations from each province differs somewhat the next. Ensure that you are up to date on the regulations for the province in which you are hunting. Elke provinsie se jag proklamasie en ver skil so bietjie van die res van die land sin. Maak seker dat jy vertroud is met die regulasies van die […]
Don’t mess with the Boss
Kevin Costner’s epic movie Dances with wolves showed heart-breaking scenes of hundreds of dead bison on the prairie, slaughtered for their skins and tongues by the American frontiersmen. Later scenes showed the Sioux hunting them and how a young man nearly fell victim to a wounded bison. Lieutenant Dunbar dropped the beast a few feet […]
Hunting guides – the real hunter?
The memories of my hunting trips over the years reminded me of the role that hunting guides or trackers play. We have all visited hunting destinations where the hunting guide could be anyone, even a regular farm labourer that knows the farm well. His main task is to ensure that the hunter does not get […]
Story time
“No Dad, that’s not how you told the story before!” my two daughters, Karlie and Anita would protest. My wife, Henna, would look on with amusement, enjoying our family’s story time rituals. Do families still make time to tell stories? I was very privileged to have had a father who often entertained us with stories. […]
“Nee Pa, dit is nie hoe jy die vorige keer die storie vertel het nie!” Ek het dié vermaning oor die jare meer as een keer van my twee dogters, Karlie en Anita, gehoor en elke keer kon ek aan die vonkel in my vrou, Henna, se oë sien hoe sy die ritueel van storievertel […]