Inyati Park News January 2023

8 January 2023 Dear colleague Structure of newsletter We start with the new, essential information first, followed by the regular news. Therefore, members can get up to date with fresh news first and read other information later. We hit the road running in 2023 and want to share some important matters with you. New messages […]

Opportunity to Hunt a Buffalo

SA Hunters obtained ten buffalo cows which the Association is making available to members in five hunting packages of two buffaloes each. The buffaloes are part of a herd of 190 buffaloes on a 2000 ha game farm located at the foot of the Swartberg mountains near Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape. The packages cost […]

Biodiversity Management Plan for Vultures

STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY, FISHERIES AND THE ENVIRONMENT Read the draft paper here on the SA Hunters website BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR VULTURES PUBLISHED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT 12 DECEMBER 2022 Comment has been invited by the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Barbara Creecy, on the Draft Multi-species Biodiversity Management […]

Inyathi Park News November 2022

7 December 2022 Dear colleague Structure of newsletter We start with the new, essential information first, followed by the regular news. Therefore, members can get up to date with fresh news first and read other information later. New messages The lucky winner of the Buffalo hunting competition, Lawrence Meintjes, used his opportunity to hunt in […]

Christmas Message from SA Hunters President: December 2022

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT It is the end of yet another year with the excitement of Christmas dominating our thoughts. Now is the time to put up the lights, decorate the Christmas tree, wrap gifts, and spend quality time with friends and family. Fortunately, we already received the best gift of all times. Our […]

SA Jagters ‘n Kultuur van Mentorskap

“Op die ou end sal ons net bewaar waarvoor ons lief is;Ons sal net liefhê wat ons verstaan:en ons sal net verstaan ​​wat ons geleer is”Baba Dioum, Afrika Wat is Mentorskap? Wat is ons nalatenskap vir ons nageslag? Watter verskil kan ek maak? SA Jagters se suksesverhaal Voorbeelde van mentorskap

Inyathi Park News October 2022

1 November 2022 Dear colleague On 1 November 2022, a few minutes after 10:00, the lucky draw for the winner in the much anticipated SA Hunter Rhino Bullets buffalo hunt competition was held in the presence of Mr Patrick Magoro of the National Lottery. Mr Gert van Schalkwyk of Van Sitterts auditors, which is SA […]

Publication of draft revised White Paper for comment Gazette No 47378 of 28 October 2022

Die Minister van departement van bosbou, visserye en die omgewing  het ‘n nuwe, gewysigde konsepwitskrif oor bewaring en volhoubare benutting van biodiversiteit in SA gepubliseer vir kommentaar teen 11 November. SA Jagters het kommentaar op die eerste konsepwitskrif gelewer en het verskeie uitdagings in die dokument uitgelig. Ons is veral bekommerd oor die definisies van […]

Hunting Destinations Register

The SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association hunting destinations register is open to all as a service to the hunting community at large. Follow this link to browse destinations or to register and account for adding a destination. The compilation of this database is aimed at promoting the sharing of information and creating easier access […]